Netflix kills DVD-in-the-mail business, upgrades ad-supported plan from 720p

2023-04-18 21:21:22

The newsiest part of this story may be that

has continued to mail DVDs to customers as a subscription service. The development, however, is that the company is officially ending the red-envelope-in-the-mail part of its business.

Physical media from Netflix was such a relic in 2011 that company leadership proposed rebranding the DVD rentals to Qwikster. The Twitter handle @qwikster was occupied by a random dude at the time who had no intentions of letting it go. Qwikster lost a million subscribers over the weird name and a price increase, and the branding plan from another planet was canceled.

Still, the service that was the origin of Netflix lived on for another dozen years. Eventually “, a Netflix company” was born.

To recap, Netflix killed Blockbuster with its no due dates or late fees DVD business, then Netflix killed its own movie rental business, and now the remnants of what kickstarted Netflix as we know it today have now gone.


The post Netflix kills DVD-in-the-mail business, upgrades ad-supported plan from 720p appeared first on 9to5Mac.

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