IG Fuckology
2019-05-31 17:19:59Взято отсюда
Технология из Гарри Поттера дошла до наших дней. Теперь для создания полноценного видео человека достаточно одной его картинки или фотографии. Исследователи машинного обучения из «Сколково» и центра Samsung AI из Москвы опубликовали свою работу о создании такой системы, вместе с целым рядом видео знаменитостей и предметов искусства, получивших новую жизнь.
Читать дальше → Взято отсюдаTeenage Engineering is well-known for doing things its own way. The Stockholm-based synth company's latest project isn't another compact instrument, it's a record label. Teenage Engineering Records will release songs that adhere to only two rules: "It needs to be a good song (easy)" and it has to feature at least one of the company's instruments.
The company says that it started a band originally to field test its gear, and saw creating a record label for similar music as the next step. Spotify will be the main distribution platform for releases, but like the first single "You're In Love With Your Hair" from Swedish artist Buster, you'll likely see videos for the songs on YouTube. That first track, by the way, was "partly produced" with the System 400 -- one of Teenage Engineering's recently announced modular, and much larger, Pocket Operators. And the instrument, as you might expect, plays a prominent role in the music video.
Is the label a marketing tactic? Sure. Are the songs basically ads? You bet. It's still an interesting way to show off gear beyond the usual audio samples we're privy to at launch, even if the video does come off as a 4-minute product promo. Plus, incorporating the gear into complete songs is a much more realistic use case for Teenage Engineering's gear. The company is also working with game studio Panic on a handheld device with a crank where games will arrive once a week in "seasons," and working to correct production issues for some of the modular Pocket Operators, so it will be busy for the foreseeable future.
Source: Teenage Engineering
Взято отсюдаAtlantic Airways has finally been granted permission to fly to New York City from this fall.
That is according to Faroese news website vp.fo.
Local.fo understands that US aviation authorities have been in the Faroe Islands recently to assess Vágar Airport, and it now appears that the airport has indeed been given the green light.
Atlantic CEO Ms. Jóhanna á Bergi has previously stated that the plan is to make a couple of flights to New York City – “around 4-6 flights all in all, one flight per week.”
The cheapest round-trip tickets from Vágar to New York City – or the other way round – are expected to cost around DKK 5.000 (760 USD).
The flight between the Faroe Islands and New York City will take around six hours.
Local.fo initially broke the news that Atlantic Airways wants to launch a couple of direct flights from the Faroe Islands to New York City sometime this year.
Local.fo wrote last July that “it is understood that the national airline of the Faroe Islands is indeed on track with its plans for flights between Vágar Airport and New York City.”
A high profile Atlantic Airways representative told Local.fo at the time that he knew nothing about the plans to launch flights to America. However, he also stated that Atlantic Airways is constantly looking to add new destinations to their route network.
In December, Atlantic Airways CEO Ms. Jóhanna á Bergi confirmed the news that Atlantic Airways had applied for permission to operate Vágar-New York City service.
The post US aviation authorities grant Atlantic Airways permission to fly to New York City from this fall appeared first on Local.fo.
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